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Wrightsville Beach, NC Beach Rules

Wrightsville beach sign

lthough we’ve said farewell to summer, that doesn’t mean we have to stay confined indoors! Wrightsville Beach is such a popular place among locals that even after the summer heat subsides, visitors continue to flock to this special place. With fewer crowds and quieter shores, Wrightsville Beach in autumn is a fabulous place to relax and unwind. If you decide to visit this lovely beach, it is important to be aware of the rules and regulations that are in place to maintain the area’s environmental and aesthetic qualities. Here is a quick look at some things to remember while enjoying Wrightsville Beach:

Alcohol: Public consumption of alcohol, as well as carrying an open container of alcohol, is prohibited year-round.

Animals: Dog-owners will be happy to know that from October 1st through March 30th, their furry companions are allowed on the beach, as long as they are on a leash. From April 1st through September 30th, no animals are allowed on the beach.  (See also: Wrightsville Beach Pet Rules)

Bicycles: Bicycling can be a great way to get around the town of Wrightsville Beach. To stay in compliance with the state and town bicycling regulations, make sure you adhere to these rules. Bicycling on any sidewalk in town is prohibited. “The Loop” is included in this restriction, as it is a sidewalk. Every person operating a bicycle is required to ride as near to the right hand side of the roadway as possible. Persons riding bicycles upon a roadway shall not ride more than two abreast. Finally, North Carolina law requires every person under 16 years old to wear an approved bicycle helmet when operating a bicycle.

Fishing: Fishing is not allowed from any of the bridges in Wrightsville Beach, including the Banks Channel bridges. Places that allow fishing include Johnny Mercer’s Pier, some hotels that have sound-side piers and charter fishing boats that offer everything from fly fishing in the sounds to marlin fishing in the gulf stream. Fall can be a fantastic time for surf fishing, as well!

Fireworks: Although some fireworks are legal in North Carolina, setting off fireworks in Wrightsville Beach is highly discouraged due to building density and the potential fire hazard. Fireworks also produce litter, which can spoil our beautiful coastline and potentially harm native plants and animals. Town ordinance prohibits open flames on any public property.

Litter: No bottles, fires or cooking devices are allowed at any time. There are plenty of trash receptacles located along the strand and visitors are encouraged to utilize them to keep the beach litter-free.

Noise: It is unlawful to create any unreasonably loud, disturbing sound levels within the town.

Sea Turtles: For years, sea turtles have chosen Wrightsville Beach as a place to lay their eggs. It is illegal to harass or disturb the sea turtles or their nests. For more information on Wrightsville Beach sea turtles or to volunteer with the Wrightsville Beach Sea Turtle Project, visit (See also: Sea Turtle Nests in Wrightsville Beach)

Vegetation: The removal of sea oats or other vegetation is prohibited year-round.

Vehicles: No vehicles are allowed on the beach strand or the berm system year-round.

Surfing:  To help maintain the safety of all beach patrons, surfers must be securely attached to their board with a “leash.” For complete details, visit also: Wrightsville Beach Voted a Top Ten Best Place to Learn to Surf)

Parking: Metered parking is in effect from March 1st through October 31st. Meter rates are $2.00/hour. Parking is enforced from 9am to 6pm. For more information, visit

Following these rules and guidelines will not only help ensure the safety of visitors and the environment, it will allow Wrightsville Beach to remain a beautiful and fun place to live and play for many years to come.

Are you considering investing in Wrightsville Beach real estate? Contact Hardee Hunt and Williams real estate company at 910-256-6998.